Monday, January 14, 2008

MapleStory: A Rant... False Accusation of My Brother

We're all anti hackers, aren't we? Well me and my brother too. Ever since we played Maple. But sadly my brother is accused of hacking. Why? Because some high-levels said that they saw him hacking. Well, in fact we don't know how to hack, and we don't want to, because it's illegal and it'll ruin the reputation in Maple (fyi, my bro is a level 11x sniper).
I don't know when did this start. But lately my bro has been telling me that he's been accused of hacking and he's mad about it. I think he's said this before, like several months ago. But recently he brought it up again. Why? Because more people are believing that false accusation. Why did people start believing it? Because it's those high levels in my server who said that he hacks. Who wouldn't believe them? Meh.
Well I'll tell you this one story. Once, he's at the ship to Ellinia from Orbis. Rogs didn't come. So he stayed outside and jumping around with his Pumpkin Basket. My bro's in his good mood that time. Suddenly someone come out of the ship and saw him. He said something terrible that ruin the mood, even offensive. He said, "Have you turned on your godmode?" ..... How would you feel if after that much time you've spent on grinding legally (about 2 years fyi), suddenly someone came up to you and said that. Well, that person could only be joking, but I don't think so. My brother is now well known at some Maple forum that he's a hacker. He's not in the list of 50 legit archers (when the fact that he's 100% legit). And surely he will find a HARD time on finding a zhelm, since most of the guild that do z-runs need their member to be legit. And those forum is full of the people/guild that held z-runs. This false accusation has ruined his reputation, definitely. Good news is, his buddies and guild
mates believe in him.
How can I be sure that he's not hacking? Well, we live under one roof. I know that he can't hack, because he and I never search for it on the Internet, and thus we have no knowledge of hacking. He hates hackers, so why become one of them? I know he chooses to play legally.
I am so disappointed to those who accused him. They said they saw him hacking. Yet there is no other proof other than words. I tried to clear up my bro's name by trying to discuss it nicely with those who accused him. But it seems that they don't really want to discuss it. They said that they saw him hacking. End of story. Out off the legit list. What I was hoping is that they would tell me more information like what did they saw until they can say that he was hacking, because that way I can make an argument to clear up the name.
Well in fact, perhaps they might see him 'hacking-like', since our Internet connection is so bad. We live in Indonesia, which is so far from the server in US. Besides, the Internet speed in here is not to be compared of those in US, Canada or Europe. What I'm trying to say is that we LAG a LOT. And that lag can look like hacking. For example, you see someone hitting the monsters and suddenly lags(freezes) in your screen and he/she doesn't take any damage. Suddenly he/she pops into another platform of the map, and starts hitting the monsters again. This is not hacking. This is happened because the lagger's screen is not in synchrony with your screen. When the data has been transfered to your screen, what's happening is the lagger will looks like teleporting illegally. I say that if anyone saw him 'hacking', it must be the cause of lag.
I'll tell you another sad story... One day my bro got a whisper from a guy, said that his friend saw him hacking the day before. My bro's laughing at this (even though it's so painful in the heart hearing someone said that you hacked)... because he's not playing on that day. He said that he didn't play on that day to the guy, then the guy passed the info to his friend. The friend responded, than the guy passed the message, and said, "Oh sorry, perhaps that was another sniper hacking."............ Please! So you saw a sniper hacking, then what's on your mind is "OMG *ign of my bro* IS HACKING!!11", then hurriedly cc. Shouldn't you take a closer look at his/her ign? Won't you see his/her ign clearly if you're reporting him/her? Unfortunately, it doesn't stop here. He/she will pass this false accusation to his/her buddies, guild mates, and perhaps random people on the street. What a great disaster. Then if he/she found out that the info was false, will he/she give a damn to pass the rightful info? I don't think so. Well, I wonder if they care though. Gossiping is fun, but don't falsely accuse someone and make a gossip of that, please.
I do hope I can help my brother to clear up his name. But I don't know how. And it ends up me here ranting about it.
Too bad my first blog is about my rant lol.


Anonymous said...

Hum... living in indonesia really suckksss.. Gotta agree with you about we LAG a LOT. Hahaha... That's so embarassing. People in the US, China, or other developed countries can watch Youtube freely without any lag anytime they want to. Too bad that we cannot enjoy the same privilege of watching streaming videos without any lags.. >.<

Oh, and wish the best for your bro.. You know, people can easily accuse of somebody else over the internet becoz everyone is JUST ON THE NET.. If they walked up face to face with you and your bro, they wouldnt have the guts to accuse him without any proofs.

Anonymous said...

it's not maplestory, it's hackerstory :P, so many hackes in MS nowadays
sheesh... -_-"