Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good People and Bad People

Have you watched the movie called "My Name is Khan"? It's a good movie, and it teaches you with many moral things. Well actually I was kind of not sure whether this movie is a good one before I watched it, since my girl friends apparently cried so bad when they watched, and at that time I didn't want to watch sad movies. My other friend said it was not that sad though, and I think he was right. One thing that I learnt from this movie was that, in this world, there's only 2 kinds of people, good people that do good deeds, and bad people that do bad things. Doesn't matter his/her belief, race, culture, etc.

Well it's been around 3 months since I came here. And I found that sometimes I'm amazed at the people here. I'm talking about not only the local people, but all the mixed race here. You can find people from all around the world here, matter of fact, my group mates come from different countries.

Some people can be surprisingly kind and willing to help, even when I don't ask for a help. It doesn't apply only to me though, once I saw a guy at the uni. He looked confused and undecided about something, almost felt like he would need some kind of help or something. I didn't offer any help to him, but surprisingly, the lady that walked in front of me stopped, turned back, and asked him whether he needed any help. He said he was ok though, but yeah, people can be surprisingly good and sincere to a total stranger.

Things that I found to be surprisingly disappointing was some people would sometimes come to you, and ask whether you got some spare dollars to give them. This happened to me twice, both in the train station, but it was a different station though. Problem is, they usually ask for a dollar or two to spare, but once you take out your wallet and give them a dollar or two, they'll wait and kinda force you to give more. Once, this girl was like, "cmon, I can see there's some more in there". I was so pissed of at her, and I was so disappointed helping her. Like, I believe that it's irresponsible to stop random people at train station and begging/asking/forcing for money. And why act so rude to someone that tries to help you, please be thankful at least!
I'm starting to think of not helping random people that ask for money at the train station -_-"

So yeah, apparently everywhere in this world, there's this good and bad people. Doesn't matter their race, sex, age, etc. And being a good guy can sometimes be exploited by the bad guys... Gotta choose wisely on your actions.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hi Again!

It's been a while since last time ;P

I remembered I wrote the last post around 2008, when I struggled with my thesis :(
Well now I'm doing masters, and soon there'll be many projects, assignments, and possibly some rant will appear around here... haha...

Lately I've listened to LP's The Catalyst, and looking forward for the album (thousand suns is it?) to be released! It's the end of September I think.

I also found se7en's comeback when browsing around YouTube yesterday lol...
He's getting hot haha... I love "Digital Bounce" and "Better Together" <3

digital bounce... digital sound... digital X!!
welcome to digital world
D - I G - I T A L, welcome to the digital world!