Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 Exams Done, 1 To Go :p

So... apparently I didn't put any other post after that first mind maps haha... Well actually I finished studying that subject, and I can say that I'm pretty confident that I'll get an okay result, or more :p

Second exam went not as successful as the first one. Probably because the time for studying was not as much as the first exam. I got 3 days to study, and there were work commitment for each of those days. Even though only 3 hours each day, but I need to spend 1 hour for going there and back, and about 1/2 hour of preparing to go there (bath, etc.). But yeah, I can say that I definitely pass (if my calculation is correct), but not sure about the score... haha...

Now I got more time for preparing the last exam. More than a week. But to be honest I haven't started anything yet. I kinda already studied before for the MCQ test though... so it shouldn't be as hard as the second exam. Better start studying though Dx

Well at my last post I wrote about Aussie exams vs what I've experienced back home... I can say that the format of exam is different. Here I got MCQ, short answer and long answer questions. Back home, it really depends on the lecturer. I might get long answer questions only, or a mix of them. The difficulty was pretty much the same. But here I'm not as lazy as I was... so I can say that I understand things better here. At Indo, you would always find yourself too lazy to study. Probably because of the environment really supports that :( Your friends are as lazy as you, more or less. Actually if you want advice, it is better to befriend those that are not as lazy as you, so you can get a little motivation from them.

Well I guess that's all for today. All the best for your exams/your other problems to those who read this! ^^


LiNn said...

haha. emank neh anak2 kita males2. termasuk saia. :p
tapi jadi kangen yah masa2 kuliah. hehe :D

Anonymous said...

hahhaha, actually we were not so lazy... but always postponed the assignments